Category Archives: Music
November 2012 gig
Look out for details of our next gig in Bristol on Friday 23rd November in Stokes Croft!
New song “Love is Broken” live performance
Live video Sunday afternoon at home of our latest track “Love is Broken” Already got some great response for the song on youtube like “Dang, this is good music!”
New tracks
I’m hoping we will be able to finish and upload a new reworked track “Love is broken” in the next few weeks.I’m working on a guitar riff to enhance the retro vibe! We plan to use soundcloud for presenting new … Continue reading
July update
James and I are busy writing material ready for our Autumn gigs! Maschine will be taken to a forest by James on holiday where he will write some new grooves
Four new tracks
I think these are nearly finished mixes. Hope you enjoy them. Chris & I had a great day working through the real details of the tracks ready to give you a preview of what we have been working on.
“The Wilderness and the Desert of the Real” by Geoff Hall
Whilst caught in the web of contemporary delusions we end up creating work which mimics the side-shows in the postmodern carnival; aping the ‘norms’ and forms in The Desert of the Real. Do we seek illusory relevance or an authenticity … Continue reading
Phoenix Flares *3
I write about the mysterious Phoenix lights in the night sky 10 years ago. My husband and I were out flying that night in the vicinity of the Stanfield VOR. We clearly saw the flares to our west, over the … Continue reading
Phoenix flares *2
The lights were reported to have reappeared in 2007 and 2008, but these events were quickly attributed to (respectively) military flares dropped by fighter aircraft at Luke Air Force Base and flares attached to helium balloons released by a civilian … Continue reading
Phoenix flares *1
A set of nine lights appearing to “hover” over the city of Phoenix at around 10 pm Thousands of witnesses throughout Arizona also reported a silent, mile wide V or boomerang shaped craft with varying numbers of huge orbs